Koonung House Identities

As the winner of Koonung’s House Emblem Competition, I had collaborated with students and faculty to design new identities for the school’s sport houses.

Koonung Secondary College


The year of 2020 for Koonung Secondary College came with a redesign for their Sport House System. To bring more team spirit to their student houses, they had a design competition for the identities of the houses. I had won this competition for the Conder House and was hired to do consistent, redesigns of the other three houses.

While collaborating with the House Captains of 2020, experience was gained on balancing client feedback with my own judgement.

Below are the identities which are still actively being used to this day.

  • Conder Cobra

  • Roberts Redback

  • Streeton Stingray

  • McCubbin Mantis


